Sunday, 8 April 2018

7th April 2018 - North Star Hotel Melrose SA

Only a little one just up the road for us today.

Melrose is 75 minutes away from home and we went to the North Star Hotel for lunch today.

Heather ordered some squid (calamari)

while I had fish and chips

One of our other club members turned up as well. Others were supposed to attend but decided not to attend so only three of us turned up which was better than cancelling the day altogether.

My bike to the left keeping company with our friend's bike.

I took some pictures inside the hotel as well
This was next to our table and made out of what looks like tree branches and old wooden planks

Looking into the bar area of the hotel. fairly quiet today

Outside there a couple of very unusual motor homes but more than likely just set up for the appearance and used for accommodation

This one is an old army truck

Not sure if this two units or both trucks being used for one accommodation unit.

This old wagon left over from when bullocks or horses hauled them

Heather wanted this in her garden

Our ride today was a round trip of 235 km (146 miles) as shown in the next image.
Live map here